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> > Mystery Creek # 62

About "Mystery Creeks": I love small streams, but some of my favorite little trout streams are too small and too fragile to publicize here. If you recognize one of these, you already understand why I'm keeping it a secret. These are the kinds of places that lose a little bit of their charm if you see someone else's week-old footprint, and I don't want to do that to them.

Landscape & scenery photos from Mystery Creek # 62

This little pool in update New York is enjoyed by many tourists every day, and it still holds a few trout -- stockers mostly, but you can't complain about the setting! From Mystery Creek # 62 in New York.
This little pool in update New York is enjoyed by many tourists every day, and it still holds a few trout -- stockers mostly, but you can't complain about the setting!
Date TakenOct 13, 2006
Date AddedOct 17, 2006
I took this picture in very low light and enhanced it.  This waterfall is kind of a strange meeting of two worlds: below the falls, there is a parking lot and an old millhouse at a very popular state park.  Above the little falls the park is wild and there's little trace of people. From Mystery Creek # 62 in New York.
I took this picture in very low light and enhanced it. This waterfall is kind of a strange meeting of two worlds: below the falls, there is a parking lot and an old millhouse at a very popular state park. Above the little falls the park is wild and there's little trace of people.
Date TakenSep 18, 2006
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
 From Mystery Creek # 62 in New York.
Date TakenOct 13, 2006
Date AddedOct 17, 2006
 From Mystery Creek # 62 in New York.
Date TakenOct 13, 2006
Date AddedOct 17, 2006
Many trout live in this pool, but they're very difficult to approach.  The stream is very small and the pool unusually large, so the current is very slow.  The trout have all the time in the world to inspect the fly, and they spook extremely easily. From Mystery Creek # 62 in New York.
Many trout live in this pool, but they're very difficult to approach. The stream is very small and the pool unusually large, so the current is very slow. The trout have all the time in the world to inspect the fly, and they spook extremely easily.
Date TakenOct 13, 2006
Date AddedOct 17, 2006

On-stream insect photos from Mystery Creek # 62

Given their home on a mossy stump in the stream bed, these light orange ants probably end up in the stream from time to time. From Mystery Creek # 62 in New York.
Given their home on a mossy stump in the stream bed, these light orange ants probably end up in the stream from time to time.
Date TakenSep 18, 2006
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi

Closeup insects from Mystery Creek # 62

Male Stictochironomus Midge AdultMale Stictochironomus  Midge Adult View 11 PicturesThis midge and several like it, including a female I also photographed, hatched from larvae which were living in some fine mud I'm using as substrate in my bug-rearing aquarium.
Collected April 10, 2007 from Mystery Creek #62 in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 10, 2007
Female Chironomidae (Midges) Midge AdultFemale Chironomidae (Midges) True Fly Adult View 5 PicturesThis midge and several like it, including a male I also photographed, hatched from larvae which were living in some fine mud I'm using as substrate in my bug-rearing aquarium. This one flew away before I could photograph it on the ruler, but it would have measured slightly smaller than the male.
Collected April 10, 2007 from Mystery Creek #62 in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 10, 2007

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