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> > Waterproof Cameras

PESCATOREAugust 3rd, 2016, 5:33 pm
Rancho Cordova, CA

Posts: 17


Well, this forum seems to be as close to the subject of cameras as I could find on this site.

I have been considering purchasing a Waterproof Digital Camera that I can use while fishing in a float-tube or on rivers. I am a photographer and I use some of Nikons Professional Models but, have no experience with the consumer models, especially those that are Waterproof.

I have done some research, mostly reading about features, functions and specifications for the Coolpix modes S33, AW100 and the AW130. I am interested in remarks and reviews from those that use any of these models. Always best to consult users, they can provide important points, likes and dislikes.

If you use any of these models, I would like to hear from you.



PaulRobertsAugust 3rd, 2016, 6:00 pm

Posts: 1776
I don't know the Nikons you mention. My waterproof float tube camera is akin: an Olympus 1030SW. It was around $400 (all said and done) a while back and is quite functional for stills, esp the wide end of the lens which allows me usable coverage in the cramped quarters of a float tube. What it lacks is lens size -light gathering capabilities- which severely limits it at low light. As we know, light rules.

I don't know what's out there now. But if I were lookin again, I'd certainly be looking at lens size and speed. I recently added two Lumix cameras, a 1" and a micro 4/3rds. But they are not waterproof (and there are no waterproof cases available) so they won't be in the tube with me. There I'll have my Oly and GoPro's.
Jmd123August 3rd, 2016, 6:27 pm
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2611
I had a Coolpix 5000 and, as all Nikons I have used did, took beautiful pictures. Now I have a little Fujifilm Finepix XP, and it also takes wonderful photos, and also waterproof (I think I actually have dropped it in the water). Almost all of the photos I have posted on here in the last four years have been taken with this camera, the others by friends' cell phone cameras.

The trick with these little cameras is to shoot as many shots as you can, and one or two of them will come out fantastic, but of course I was also taught this 30 years ago in Photography for Field Biologists (Ectachrome E6 days - life is SOOOO much easier now!). My instructor, now passed away but never forgotten, always advised, find your subject, get it in focus, and then BRACKET like hell! Pretty much a universal photography truth...and in those days, there were soooooo many ways to goof it up if your were developing your own slides. However, our instructor also would say that he would give you a cigar if and only if you made a mistake he had never made himself. Whenever someone screwed up, he would inevitably say, "No cigar for that one."

Don, if you find your ideal camera and get some good shots, feel free to post them on here, we all love to see each others' pics.


P.S. Jason, our noble leader of Troutnuts, gets some pretty spectacular photos and I'm sure his gear has to be pretty rugged to survive his adventures (see the front page of this website for details).
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
PESCATOREAugust 3rd, 2016, 7:00 pm
Rancho Cordova, CA

Posts: 17

Thanks for your prompt replies and comments.

If if my pro-series Nikon and lenses were waterproof, I would not have to be posing here, however, my D3 is a very large and heavy camera that would add too much weight when fishing. That said, we are very fortunate, technology has opened many doors and for lake and river imaging, a compact waterproof digital camera will fit the bill. I don't have much exposure to consumer models so customer feedback is an excellent way to learn from others who have used these models.

I plan to have a waterproof camera with me before I head off in the middle of this month for a week of fly-fishing in some lakes and rivers in the Eastern CA Sierras. If I net any hogs, you can be assured I will share those images with you.



CrenoAugust 4th, 2016, 1:27 am
Grants Pass, OR

Posts: 305
Take a look at the Olympus Tough F2.0. All the waterproof/portable/rugged stuff and an amazing stacking macro built in. I like it. You will probably never get the light ya want with a lens a centimeter wide but technique, and software, can fix a lot of that.
AfishinadoAugust 4th, 2016, 7:02 am

Posts: 76
I have a Nikon COOLPIX AW110 Waterproof Digital Camera and have used it for fishing for a few years now. It records and save images in a RAW format for editing later on and takes great stills and videos above and under water.

It has an easy point and shoot mode or you can mess with the controls in different modes. It's very compact and handy to keep in your pocket when fishing and is fast to power-on, shoot and return your fish to the water.

It's not a DSLR, and has no ability to change lenses, but it can take photos a level above snapshots as well as videos above water and underwater for less than $300.
PESCATOREAugust 4th, 2016, 5:58 pm
Rancho Cordova, CA

Posts: 17


I will have to take a look at this model, thanks for you input.



PESCATOREAugust 4th, 2016, 6:02 pm
Rancho Cordova, CA

Posts: 17

Nice adaption with your screen-name. I appreciate your comments and feedback, I will continue my research.


Don "Pescatore`" Italiano..... Fisherman.

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