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> > Is this Chloroperlide?

The Specimen

Alloperla (Sallflies) Stonefly AdultAlloperla (Sallflies) Stonefly Adult View 6 PicturesThis specimen was completely green when I collected it from among many others gathered on a midstream rock along with their nymphal shucks (
Here's an underwater view of the pupal shucks of several already-emerged Brachycentrus numerosus caddisflies.
Here's an underwater view of the pupal shucks of several already-emerged Brachycentrus numerosus caddisflies.
Shuck: The shed exoskeleton left over when an insect molts into its next stage or instar. Most often it describes the last nymphal or pupal skin exited during emergence into a winged adult.
early in the morning. There was also a yellow one with them, which I assumed was a different species. Now that I've seen how this one started changing from green to yellow, I have to wonder if they weren't the same species and the yellow one was just older.
Collected May 29, 2007 from Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Added to by on June 4, 2007

The Discussion

TroutnutJune 5th, 2007, 6:41 pm
Bellevue, WA

Posts: 2737
I just want to double-check this ID, because I've got a couple on-stream pictures of these flies to add. Can anyone confirm?
Jason Neuswanger, Ph.D.
Troutnut and salmonid ecologist
TaxonJune 5th, 2007, 8:46 pm
Site Editor
Royse City, TX

Posts: 1350

I believe so, but am unable to key it without being able to see hind wing venation. Do you have a photo which clearly displays hind wing venation?

If I were to guess at this point, it would be Haploperla brevis. However, if you have a photo clearly showing hind wing venation, it can accurately be keyed to (at least) genus.
Best regards,
Roger Rohrbeck
GONZOJune 6th, 2007, 1:25 pm
Site Editor
"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
This certainly looks like Chloroperlidae to me, but I've long been curious about the species. The late May/early June emergence of this species has always been heavy in the Brodhead drainage. The fish largely ignore them when the olive morning dun hatch is in progress, but I've had some success imitating them on early June mornings after the main Drunella hatch ends. I like Roger's Haploperla brevis guess, mostly because it was on the short list of species I was considering as candidates. I'd love to know the species ID for sure, but I doubt that the pictures provide the means to take this specimen to that level.
MyerslApril 8th, 2010, 7:36 am
Plattsburgh, NY

Posts: 5
Judging the green color and the size of the adult, all signs indicate to me that this is most likely the genus Alloperla.

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