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Acari (Mites) Arthropod Adult Pictures

 These tiny little aquatic mites show up in my samples from time to time. This fairly large one is only about 1mm long, so these aren't relevant to trout, but it's interesting to know that they're down there, anyway.

This arthropod was collected from Mystery Creek #62 on April 1st, 2007 and added to on April 2nd, 2007.

This is the only picture in the set in which the mite was alive.  I had to kill it in alcohol for the others, because it was scurrying around too much to stay in focus at the high zoom level needed to show some detail on such a tiny critter.  Acari (Mites) Mite Adult from Mystery Creek #62 in New York
This is the only picture in the set in which the mite was alive. I had to kill it in alcohol for the others, because it was scurrying around too much to stay in focus at the high zoom level needed to show some detail on such a tiny critter.
I'd like to see somebody tie a fly this small!  Acari (Mites) Mite Adult from Mystery Creek #62 in New York
I'd like to see somebody tie a fly this small!

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