» Species mexicanum (Cream Cahill)
Common Name
This species is usually mentioned under its former name, Stenonema integrum. Now integrum is a subspecies (Subspecies: Entomologists sometimes further divide a species into distinct groups called subspecies, which have two lower-case words on the end of their scientific name instead of one. The latter is the sub-species name. For example, Maccaffertium mexicanum mexicanum and Maccaffertium mexicanum integrum are two different subspecies of Maccaffertium mexicanum.) of Maccaffertium mexicanum. It is not said to produce fishable hatches.
I've tentatively identified several specimens I collected as members of this species based on their color patterns. It may be more likely that they belong to a Midwestern color variety of Maccaffertium vicarium which produces good hatches on the river where they were collected. Where & WhenRegions: East, Midwest
Time Of Year (?): Early July through early September
This species is very widespread in scientific records throughout the East and the Midwest, and south to the Gulf of Mexico. It is apparently not abundant on trout streams within this range.
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