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Mayfly Genus Maccaffertium (March Browns and Cahills)

Taxonomic Navigation -?-
Species in MaccaffertiumNumber of SpecimensNumber of Pictures
Maccaffertium ithacaLight Cahill00
Maccaffertium luteum00
Maccaffertium mediopunctatumCream Cahill00
Maccaffertium mexicanumCream Cahill00
Maccaffertium modestumCream Cahill00
Maccaffertium pudicum00
Maccaffertium pulchellumLight Cahill00
Maccaffertium terminatum00
Maccaffertium vicariumMarch Brown00

8 species aren't included.
Common Name
MatchCommon Name
****March Browns and Cahills

Pictures Below

This is page 7 of specimens of Maccaffertium. Visit the main Maccaffertium page for:

  • The behavior and habitat of Maccaffertium.
  • 1 underwater picture of Maccaffertium.

Pictures of 59 Mayfly Specimens in the Genus Maccaffertium:

Specimen Page:1...4567
Maccaffertium terminatum Mayfly NymphMaccaffertium terminatum  Mayfly Nymph View 1 PicturesThis is a subspecies (Subspecies: Entomologists sometimes further divide a species into distinct groups called subspecies, which have two lower-case words on the end of their scientific name instead of one. The latter is the sub-species name. For example, Maccaffertium mexicanum mexicanum and Maccaffertium mexicanum integrum are two different subspecies of Maccaffertium mexicanum.) M. terminatum terminatum, formerly called Stenonema. Found mostly in larger rivers in western Montana. This is an immature nymph.
Collected November 23, 2005 from the Flathead River-lower in Montana
Added to by Bnewell on June 26, 2011
Maccaffertium modestum (Cream Cahill) Mayfly NymphMaccaffertium modestum (Cream Cahill) Mayfly Nymph View 2 PicturesI looked at this nymph closely under my crappy microscope. It has truncate (Truncate: Cut off. This is often used to describe the square appearance of the gills of Maccaffertium mayfly nymphs, for example, as opposed to the pointed gills of the closely related genus Stenacron.) as opposed to rounded gills, postero-lateral (Lateral: To the side.) spines only on abdominal segments 7-9, and oblique crossbars through the center of each sterna, not on the posterior (Posterior: Toward the back of an organism's body. The phrase "posterior to" means "in back of.") edge like on some of the other Maccaffertium species. As best I can tell from the keys this is either modestum or ithaca and from the distribution maps I've seen I'm guessing it's modestum.
Collected March 10, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 19, 2006
Specimen Page:1...4567
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