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Animal Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)

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This is page 28 of specimens of Arthropoda. Visit the main Arthropoda page for:

  • The behavior and habitat of Arthropoda.
  • 122 underwater pictures of Arthropoda.

Pictures of 1244 Arthropod Specimens:

Specimen Page:1...272829...126
Alloperla (Sallflies) Stonefly AdultAlloperla (Sallflies) Stonefly Adult View 6 PicturesThis specimen was completely green when I collected it from among many others gathered on a midstream rock along with their nymphal shucks (
Here's an underwater view of the pupal shucks of several already-emerged Brachycentrus numerosus caddisflies.
Here's an underwater view of the pupal shucks of several already-emerged Brachycentrus numerosus caddisflies.
Shuck: The shed exoskeleton left over when an insect molts into its next stage or instar. Most often it describes the last nymphal or pupal skin exited during emergence into a winged adult.
early in the morning. There was also a yellow one with them, which I assumed was a different species. Now that I've seen how this one started changing from green to yellow, I have to wonder if they weren't the same species and the yellow one was just older.
Collected May 29, 2007 from Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Added to by Troutnut on June 4, 2007
Simuliidae (Black Flies) Black Fly LarvaSimuliidae (Black Flies) True Fly Larva View 4 Pictures
Collected March 1, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Female Leptophlebia (Black Quills and Blue Quills) Mayfly SpinnerFemale Leptophlebia (Black Quills and Blue Quills) Mayfly Spinner View 6 PicturesI collected this specimen along with a female dun of the same species. Unfortunately it's not in very good shape.

After poking at it for a while under a microscope with a good scientific key in hand, I'm pretty sure this is either Leptophlebia cupida or Leptophlebia nebulosa. I can't tell which.
Collected May 9, 2007 from Factory Brook in New York
Added to by Troutnut on May 18, 2007
Sialis Alderfly LarvaSialis  Alderfly Larva View 4 Pictures
Collected February 5, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Female Isonychia bicolor (Mahogany Dun) Mayfly DunFemale Isonychia bicolor (Mahogany Dun) Mayfly Dun View 6 PicturesI thought this dun was worth photographing, even though she's in pretty bad shape, because she shows something I haven't seen in Isonychia elsewhere. The bright stripe down the back which is normally present only in the nymph carried over to the dun in this one.
Collected May 26, 2007 from Penn's Creek in Pennsylvania
Added to by Troutnut on June 4, 2007
Caenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly NymphCaenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly Nymph View 4 PicturesI confirmed the identity of this nymph by looking at it under a microscope to be certain of the shape of its gills and head.
Collected January 31, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Specimen Page:1...272829...126
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