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Insect Order Trichoptera (Caddisflies)

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Pictures of 129 Caddisfly Specimens:

Specimen Page:1...8910...14
Dolophilodes (Medium Evening Sedges) Caddisfly LarvaDolophilodes (Medium Evening Sedges) Caddisfly Larva View 9 PicturesI think this larva best fits Dolophilodes, in which the anterior (Anterior: Toward the front of an organism's body. The phrase "anterior to" means "in front of.") margin of the frontoclypeus is supposed to be "slightly asymmetrical." I can't confidently make out the asymmetry, but the other genera are supposed to have either greater asymmetry or a symmetrical, but convex, shape, whereas this one is clearly concave.

Based on distribution records, the species should be either aequalis, dorcus, or pallidipes, but I can't find any source to distinguish between them.
Collected August 3, 2020 from the East Fork Big Lost River in Idaho
Added to by Troutnut on August 19, 2020
Lepidostoma podagrum (Little Brown Sedge) Little Brown Sedge LarvaLepidostoma podagrum (Little Brown Sedge) Little Brown Sedge Larva View 1 PicturesThis egg packet was dropped from the specimen with the severely foreshortened abdomen in the other photo series. It's amazing how much abdominal length is given up in this process. The egg packet looked black in the hand.
Collected May 12, 2011 from the Fall River in California
Added to by Entoman on December 14, 2011
Male Onocosmoecus unicolor (Great Late-Summer Sedge) Caddisfly AdultMale Onocosmoecus unicolor (Great Late-Summer Sedge) Caddisfly Adult View 15 PicturesI first just assumed this was Dicosmoecus based on anglers' conventional wisdom since it's a large orange "October caddis," but Creno set me straight. I should have keyed it out. After another look under the microscope, it lacks an anepisternal wart on the mesopleuron (Mesopleuron: The side of the insect mesothorax, and the part to which the fore wings are attached in mayflies.), which rules out Dicosmoecus. The midtibiae have 2 apical (Apical: Close to the apex; tip or end.) spurs and 1 pre-apical (Apical: Close to the apex; tip or end.) spur, and from there the color pattern of the wing points to Onocosmoecus. The location then narrows the species to unicolor.
Collected September 17, 2020 from the Yakima River in Washington
Added to by Troutnut on September 19, 2020
Hydropsyche (Spotted Sedges) Caddisfly AdultHydropsyche (Spotted Sedges) Caddisfly Adult View 11 PicturesI haven't keyed this specimen out, but I am instead placing it in Hydropsyche based on the striking visual similarity to this one, which I did key out.

Collected June 30, 2019 from the Madison River in Montana
Added to by Troutnut on July 17, 2019
Limnephilus externus (Summer Flier Sedge) Caddisfly NymphLimnephilus externus (Summer Flier Sedge) Caddisfly Nymph View 1 PicturesThis caddis is one of the most abundant caddisflies in temporary ponds of Glacier Park. The larvae build a round case of detritus (Detritus: Small, loose pieces of decaying organic matter underwater.) and dead plant material that can get quite large.
Collected June 25, 2008 from Temporary ponds- Glacier Nat. Park in Alaska
Added to by Bnewell on June 26, 2011
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